

Eric's Father - Michael Weintraub
Two of the most outstanding lessons Eric taught me are to always keep an extremely open mind and to appreciate the resiliency of people. Eric was a deep and multifaceted man. He was always positive. Through his passion for college sports, I met thousands of people in many cities. From his love of music, I developed a true appreciation for all kinds of music. He lifted my spirits with his sense of humor, taking me on new exciting adventures and sharing dreams of the future.
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Eric's Sister - Becca
My dearest eeee - It is hard to find the words to share how proud I am of you. How much I look up to you. And how deeply I love you. What I can share is how grateful I am to you for making me the person I am today. Thank you for teaching me that above all life is about love and making deep and meaningful relationships, what it means to be compassionate, never to wait, to face fear and pain with courage, music, and humor and that life is a gift and time is fragile. The time we spent together was sacred. 
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Aunt Barbara
While all of you know that Eric was an extraordinary man who brought extraordinary joy, he came with extraordinary challenges. When new people and perplexed physicians came into the picture, they asked “What’s keeping Eric alive?” The answer, “Tender loving care.” And that was it! But wasn’t just Tender Loving Care, it was the tenderest, most loving care imaginable. 
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Aunt Laurie
I want to give everyone here an assignment, probably already on your to do list... Especially now in honor of Eric Weintraub. The assignment… Enjoy each and every day.
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Aunt Janet
There is a reason that Eric was able to live so much longer than anyone else with his disease—and it’s not just because he had the best doctors. It is because he had this family. You have a unique gift in that you always saw Eric for who he was…not someone with a chronic illness, but someone with an uncanny memory, infectious laugh and indomitable spirit.
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Rabbi Loren Monosov
Not many people I know would handle the situation as Eric did. He did so with dignity, courage, perseverance, openness, and honesty – he didn’t hide anything as he pushed forward.
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Eric's Mother - Susan Brecher
Elimelech Ari, Eric’s Hebrew name meant God is King and Lion. Eric was a fearless leader who showed more courage than anyone. He had the will to live and that was and will be what kept us all following his direction. He taught us the meaning of unending strength, perseverance and determination. His diligence and commitment to work, no matter what it was, Eric showed others how to keep going and excel even when they are physically and emotionally challenged. His smile was so uplifting.
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Dr. Richard J. O'reilly, MD
Chair, Department of Pediatrics; Chief, Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Service
He was an extraordinary man who had in very real terms, every complication of his disease that has been described. His mother once asked how he was perceived by the staff–the two appropriate adjectives were demanding and beloved. One of the most courageous young men I have ever known. He will always be with me–Eric, in the middle of the night that will tap me on the shoulder telling me I need to do something for some other person–without question it will spur me and stimulate all members of our team to go out and do what needs to be done and do it better. 
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Cousin Marc
I tend to think of Eric as a man who had complex problems, but countered them with simple pleasures. He liked heavily processed foods (preferably red), college fight songs, and his family (simple people). For all his troubles, those were enough, and I think we can all learn from that.
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Cousin Jonathan
Eric wasn’t only strong. He had strength that inspired all of the people around him to be strong. He wasn’t only brave. His bravery helped us all to be brave. He is still inspiring us. He led by example and now it is time to follow it. We’ll be brave when we can, be strong when we need to be. And we’ll shine like you when we are feeling good. 
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Cousin Marc - Posting on Facebook
Eric was and remains a monument, dedicated to one message: you should live your life as though it were a work of art. Don’t mistake surviving for living. 
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On the CVID Facebook group there were an outpouring of posts about how Eric was in inspiration for so many including comments like:

  • He gave a great example of courage and smiling face even when he had so many counts against him.
  • There are many of us who have a better understanding of our condition because of the contacts we have through the group he started.

If you have any memories you would like to share with our family and/or on this site, we invite you to reach out to us through our Contact Us page.